Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Were the New Delhi Bomb Blasts planned using Google Earth?

Now just two posts down the line I wrote about how much a threat Google Earth could be. How much would it help in planning terror strikes... and just a few days later there are terror strikes in New Delhi with bombs set off at three locations.

I wonder how many speculate the idea of Google Earth being used for these attacks. Well, if Google earth was used, then it was a terrible success for the terrorists aka Jehadis! Well, how would have this software helped in setting up bomb sites? While we all were concerned about the Parliament House and Rashtrapati Bhawan, we forgot the common man, didn't we? Well, why do we keep forgetting that if terrorists were so noble (killing politicians, which i would do eagerly myself!) why would we call them terrorists? These SOB's take innocent lives, they hit those, who have nothing to do with the political bullshit because of which the whole thing happens in the first place.

Anyway, once again trying to look at what exactly the terrorists would look at in Google Earth to plan any of these bomb blasts? Yes, they can locate the Paharganj market easily and also Sarojni nagar market with similar ease. Now since the photographs are two years old, and since there has been severe infrastructure changes, all they could have relied upon was the old shop buildings and the roads. That is, they could have planned their entry and exit from the places (even spotted the narrow lanes which could serve as back ups), they could have judged the most crowded places in the area and hence finalised upon where to place the bomb. That done, all that comes next is to wait for the big explosion, and say 'Mission Accomplished' to their big fellas!

Hmm... but what I still want to analyse is the level of use that this software called Google Earth would have served to these SOB's. Wait till we zero upon a few facts from the police and media and hence be able to carry out some researches on our own.

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